by Teresa Griffith | Jun 14, 2018 | Meet the Orchestra, Musician Spotlight, News
Saturday June 9th marked an incredibly sad day for us at KCCO. We lost our dear friend and concertmaster of 43 years, Carol Chatelain. Carol loved the orchestra and was an inspiration to so many of us. We were truly fortunate to have had her among us for so many...
by Teresa Griffith | Apr 18, 2018 | Meet the Orchestra, Musician Spotlight
Janice White has been a music-lover all her life. As a young child she enjoyed singing. In third grade she began playing piano, and later she became a clarinet player in her school band. At home, she says, she “drove everyone nuts” playing orchestral music on the...
by Teresa Griffith | Jul 10, 2017 | Meet the Orchestra
KCCO recently welcomed the return of Dr. Christopher Kelts as Music Director, so we would like to officially reintroduce him to you! Be sure to check out his Facebook page as well. Christopher Kelts is the new Director of Orchestral Studies and Assistant Professor of...
by Teresa Griffith | Mar 6, 2017 | Meet the Orchestra, Musician Spotlight, Orchestra News
Mark Lauer is a graduate of the University of Missouri Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance. (B.M Performance 2015) He is currently completing a Performer’s Certificate at UMKC while maintaining an active performance schedule as the principal bassoonist with...
by Teresa Griffith | Mar 5, 2016 | 2015-2016 Season, Educational Series, Meet the Orchestra, News
Dr. Carney will give an overview of the piano and its history, demonstrate the range of effects and sounds the instrument can produce, and perform musical pieces from a variety of genres. The presentation will conclude with an interactive Q&A session. A short...