by Teresa Griffith | Jun 14, 2018 | Meet the Orchestra, Musician Spotlight, News
Saturday June 9th marked an incredibly sad day for us at KCCO. We lost our dear friend and concertmaster of 43 years, Carol Chatelain. Carol loved the orchestra and was an inspiration to so many of us. We were truly fortunate to have had her among us for so many...
by Teresa Griffith | Apr 19, 2018 | 2017-2018 Season, News, Orchestra News
The final concert of our 59th season (taking place at Helzberg Hall on May 6th) will feature the winner of this year’s Young Artist Concerto Competition (Betti Kelley, left). KCCO is proud to support and encourage young musicians – not only because we believe in...
by Teresa Griffith | Jan 2, 2018 | 2017-2018 Season, News
We’d like to thank all of our friends and listeners for supporting KCCO through the first part of our 59th season. In addition to the three concerts, our 2017 activities included the Instrument Petting Zoo for children, the Silent Auction Fundraiser, and...
by Teresa Griffith | Jun 19, 2017 | 2017-2018 Season, News
Save the dates! Planning for the 59th season is well underway, and the concert dates have been set! Look for information on the program for each concert in the next few days. Classical Series: Bold, Brass and Brahms Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 7:30pm Pre-Concert...
by Teresa Griffith | Jun 6, 2017 | 2017-2018 Season, News, Orchestra News, Press Clippings
The Kansas City Civic Orchestra is pleased to welcome conductor Christopher Kelts back to the position of Music Director. After serving with KCCO for seven and a half years, Kelts resigned from the organization in December 2015 after accepting the position of Director...
by Teresa Griffith | Nov 29, 2016 | 2016-2017 Season, News
Celebrate the season with KCCO! Our Sounds of the Season concert features holiday favorites like White Christmas, Silver Bells, and our annual performance of Sleigh Ride, featuring a guest conductor from our audience! Sounds of the Season Concert Friday, December 9...